There are thousands of servers on Discord, and with so many servers, how can you find a server that is right for you? Well let me introduce you to Disboard my friends.
What Is Disboard.Org? is a website that lists public servers that are available to join on Discord. is not associated with Discord; however they make it easier for you to find Discord servers that you may be interested in such as servers that involve anime or stocks.

Disboard is a place where you can list your own Discord server and find other Discord servers. Disboard makes it easier to find servers by allowing users to add tags to their servers for others to search.
Tags include things such as anime, technology, music, and more that users can tag their own servers with or that other users can search for.
Can Disboard Help You Grow A Discord Server?
Disboard can certainly help you grow a discord server. It’s a great way to promote your Discord server and the tags feature allow people more easily find servers that they would be interested in.
Now like I touched on earlier, you can only post or “bump” your Discord every few hours on Disboard. It’s nice being able to promote your Discord somewhere, but it could become difficult if you are constantly having to log in and post your Discord on Disboard.
Luckily, you can set up a bot to automatically “bump” your Discord server for you. Check out the video below if you want to know how to do this.
Now I will admit, although Disboard can help you grow a Discord server, I think overall there are better ways to grow your Discord servers.
When you post your Discord server on Disboard you are just one of hundreds if not thousands of other users doing the same thing.
The tags filter out certain servers and users, but overall I don’t think your success rate will be great using Disboard alone.
The only reason I use it is because I have a bot that automatically promotes my server on Disboard and so it doesn’t take anytime for me to promote my server, even if it is not all that effective.
So promoting your Discord through Disboard seems like a no brainer, but is it safe to do so?
Is Disboard A Safe Site?
Disboard.Org is safe to use because the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to this site, which is protected by reCAPTCHA. With that being said, you will still want to careful giving out any personal info on the servers you may join on Disboard itself.
Google Privacy Policy guarantees that the website is safe to use. It is safe to join the servers listed, but like I mentioned, Disboard is not responsible for anything that occurs on a Discord server.
They only list servers and it is up to Discord to moderate what happens on the servers.
But, in order for users to list their server on Disboard they must adhere to the terms of service of both Discord and Disboard.
For example, a user requested that certain contact info be removed from a server. The server refused to remove the info, therefore their Disboard account was terminated and the server was blocked.
So safety comes first on Disboard which helps build confidence for the users.
I have used Disboard myself and have never ran into any security issues. I have even listed my Discord on the site before and all was fine.
And also, here is my Discord if you wanted to join.
Now let’s dive a little deeper into why Discord chooses to remove certain sites.
Why Does Disboard Remove Sites From Its Website?
Disboard removes sites from its website if the servers violate Discord Community Guidelines or if they violate the rules set forth by Disboard themselves. This helps ensure that servers on Disboard are, for the most part, secure and safe to join.
You can see the Discord Community Guidelines here if you are curious. But for the most part, be a good person, respect others and don’t do anything dumb and you will be fine.
As for Disboard, their main concern is users spamming their Discord servers on Disboard. Disboard allows users to promote or “bump” their servers every few hours for people on the website to see.
However, some users have found ways to bump their servers more than is allowed and this is of course against Disboard’s rules. Once discovered, these servers are usually removed and banned from Disboard.
For more about “bumping” on Discord and Disboard check out my article here.
With all this in mind, is Disboard still worth it overall?
Is Disboard Worth It?
Disboard is worth it for finding new servers as well as promoting your own servers. And given that promoting your own server can be done automatically through a bot, there is no reason not to use Disboard as a means to promote your server.
For those looking for Discord servers to join, Disboard offers tons of options all in one place. The tag feature is super helpful and can help pair someone with the right server.
Also, the servers on Disboard tend to be smaller Discord servers and so it makes it easier to find smaller, more tight knit communities.
And people can even rate servers so you can know what you are getting into before you join.
As far as growing a server, like I mentioned above it is not the best and I feel like there are better options out there for growing your Discord server such as Twitter, Instagram, or Youtube.
However, if you choose to setup a bot that will post for you automatically then Disboard is totally worth it.
Not only is posting to the website free, when you have a bot do it for you then you don’t have to do anything. Just set up the bot and it will promote your server for you.
This is what I have done and like I said, I don’t think I have gained a ton of new people from “bumping” my Discord server, but it also has not cost me any time or money so it’s not like I am losing anything either.
In the end I think Disboard is great for both people looking for new servers, and for people trying to promote their own servers.
For even more streaming tips and how-to content check out my Youtube channel here. And if you want to check out my streams then stop by my Twitch channel here.
Eric streams 3 days a week on Twitch and uploads weekly to Youtube under the moniker, StreamersPlaybook. He loves gaming, PCs, and anything else related to tech. He’s the founder of the website StreamersPlaybook and loves helping people answer their streaming, gaming, and PC questions.