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What Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From? How Streamers Earn

It’s no secret that Twitch streamers make money, but where exactly does this money come from? In this article I go over what Twitch streamers do and do not make money from.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Ads?

Twitch Affiliates and Twitch Partners do get paid for ads run on their stream, but the amount that streamers make from ads is unknown since Twitch does not allow their streamers to talk about how much they make from ads.


It is rumored however that although Twitch streamers do make money from ads, it is not a lot. In fact, most streamers won’t even notice their Twitch ad revenue unless they have thousands of viewers per stream.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Bits?

Twitch streamers receive $0.01 USD for every bit donated to them. So if a person donates 100 Twitch bits to a streamer the streamer would receive $1.00 USD. Twitch streamers also receive 100% from what is donated to them in the form of bits.

Although a streamer will receive 100% of the bits that are donated to them, this does not mean that Twitch does not take any money from Twitch bits.

Rather than taking money from the streamer when the Twitch bits are donated, Twitch charges a small fee up front when the Twitch bits are purchased by the person looking to donate them.

You can see how much it costs to purchase Twitch bits in the image below:

Twitch Bits Prices

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Channel Points?

Twitch streamers do not make any money from channel points. Channel points are used to encourage people to watch a Twitch stream by having them earn channel points for being in a stream, but they do not earn the streamer any money.

However, even though channel points will not earn a Twitch streamer any money, this does not mean they are meaningless.

Channel points are great for user engagement and to get people to stay on a stream. And the more someone is in a stream and engaged, the more likely they will be to sub or donate to the channel.

For more on channel points you can check out my article here.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Followers?

Twitch streamers do not earn any money directly from followers; however, certain companies, brands and orgs may take into consideration how many Twitch followers a streamer has when deciding whether or not they want to work with that streamer.

Followers Analytics

So although streamers do not make money directly from followers, having lots of followers on Twitch could help streamers land certain deals that will pay them to advertise to their following.

For tips on getting more followers on your Twitch channel you can check out my article here.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Gifted Subs?

Twitch streamers do indeed make money from gifted subs. In fact, Twitch streamers get the same cut from gifted subs as they do from regular subs which is roughly 50% of the cost of the sub.

Gifted Subs

If you want to know more about gifted subs and how they work on Twitch then you can check out my article here.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Prime Subs?

Twitch streamers do indeed make money from Twitch Prime subs. In fact, Twitch streamers get the same cut from Twitch Prime subs as they do from regular subs which is roughly 50%. And even better, these subs come at no cost for viewers who have an Amazon Prime subscription.

Prime Subs

In case you didn’t know, you get one free Twitch sub per month with your Amazon Prime subscription that you can use on any streamer you want.

It’s a great way to support your favorite streamer and won’t cost you anything if you already have Amazon Prime.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Reddit?

Twitch streamers who use Reddit do not make money directly from Reddit, but they may use Reddit to drive people to other platforms such as Twitch or Patreon where these people can then contribute to the streamer.

Like is often discussed with live streaming, it is important to diversify your content and Reddit can a good form of diversification. It’s another platform to help draw people into your community.

Also, Patreon is a super underrated platform for building community support. If you want to know more about Patreon then check out this awesome video from Devin Nash.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Views?

Twitch streamers do not get paid for the amount of views they have, but streamers do make money from people watching ads on their stream. So the more people watching a stream, the more likely it is people will watch the ads on a streamer’s stream and earn the streamer money.

Viewers Analytics

The same thing goes for things like subs, donations and other affiliate offers the streamer has on their stream. The more viewers a streamer has, the higher chance they have of someone contributing to their stream.

So although streamers do not get paid for viewers directly, more viewers will typically lead to more revenue for the streamer.

Also, as was mentioned with followers, certain companies and orgs will consider how many viewers a streamer typically gets when deciding whether or not they want to work with that streamer.

Generally speaking, more viewers usually means more money for streamers.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From VODs?

Twitch streamers do not make any money from VODs, at least not directly. VODs do not run ads and so there is no money made for the streamer when viewers watch VODs; however, watching a VOD may convince someone to sub to the channel if they like the content or if a sub is required to view the VOD.

VODs on Twitch are used more commonly to give people who stop by your channel a preview of what you are all about. They are not necessarily designed to make money.

My Vods

With that being said, people who see your VODs may like your content so much that they sub to your channel. Also, streamers can change their settings so that only subs can view their VODs.

Although setting VODs to sub only is an option, I recommend only setting them to sub only if you are a big streamer with lots of viewers.

If you are a small streamer, you want as many people as possible to see your content to see if they like you and restricting access to your VODs would prevent this.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From Youtube?

Twitch streamers do make money from Youtube, but they earn this money through Youtube and not through Twitch. Streamers can earn money with their Youtube videos through ads, affiliate offers and other forms of monetization. Youtube content is also great for driving viewers to a Twitch channel.

My Youtube Videos

Years ago streamers were able to grow through streaming alone, but this is no longer the case. These days streamers must create content on other, more discoverable platforms like Youtube in order to reach people.

Also, streamers have learned that Youtube can pay quite nicely as well and many streamers will clip parts of their stream to create Youtube videos that will help them grow and make money as well.

Not to mention the fact that many people find Twitch streamers through Youtube and so there are lots of beneifts to having a Youtube channel as a Twitch streamer.

If you are looking for quick and easy streaming tips and tricks then sub to my Youtube channel here.

Do Twitch Streamers Make Money From TikTok?

Twitch streamers do make money from TikTok, but they earn this money through TikTok and not through Twitch. Streamers can earn money on TikTok through sponsored posts, affiliate offers and other forms of monetization; however, streamers use TikTok mainly to drive people to their Twitch channel.

Although TikTok is great for getting discovered, it is not so great for monetization. For this reason TikTok is used more to help streamers get discovered than it is to actually make money.

Also, feel free to follow my TikTok here. It’s a work in progress but I appreciate the support.

For even more streaming tips and how-to content check out my Youtube channel here. And if you want to check out my streams then stop by my Twitch channel here.

👋 Hey There, I'm Eric!

Since 2018, I've been making streams come true.

I like gaming, streaming and watching other people stream. I created this website to help streamers, viewers, and gamers answer questions they have regarding live streaming, gaming, and PCs. I am a Twitch affiliate and currently stream on Twitch 3 days a week. I also have a Youtube channel where I make videos about streaming. I hope you find my content helpful. Feel free to stop by one of my streams to say hi.